Top 5 Benefits of Buying a New Build Property

Benefits of Buying a New Build HouseThere are such varying choices of property on the market from country cottages, Victorian town house, period properties and of course modern new builds. When it comes to house hunting there is so much choice, yes everything is going to have a particular taste and image in their mind of that dream home but sometimes you might find you don’t even know where to start.

Well we are here to help buy giving you some more information about buying a new build. As new build property developers the following five points are the top benefits buyers will have if they choose to buy a newly built property and should definitely be something to consider.

Energy Efficiency

With environmental issues and being green becoming an important cause for many people, and along with increasing gas and electricity prices energy efficiency has become an important buying feature for many house hunters. People these days don’t want to move into a house that is going to leak money through outdated windows and poorly insulated roofs.

With that in mind we come to our first, and one of the biggest benefits of purchasing a new build house. Housing developers know that energy efficiency is a key selling point so nowadays all new built houses are very energy efficient; this is an especially important feature of all of our Smart Quarter apartments and future developments.

New built homes will have the following aspects to help with energy efficiency:

  • Well insulated walls, floors and roofs
  • Energy efficient boilers and heating
  • Energy efficient light bulbs
  • Double glazing
  • Better draught proofing

These are just a number of standard elements of new builds that can help you be green, a number of housing developers do go even further with the green appeal including Green Spinnaker. Some of the additional features of our latest new build, Smarts Quarter, include:

  • Energy efficient monitors for electricity and gas
  • Photovoltaic panels which generate a feed in tariff to the electricity grid

Overall with new build homes made with energy efficiency in mind they ultimately become cheaper to run which is always a benefit for anyone.

10 Year Warranty

Most new build properties are registered with the National House Building Council (NHBC) who are the UK’s leading standard-setting body and provider of warranty and insurance for new homes. There main role to work with the house-building industry to raise the standards of new homes and provide consumer protection for homebuyers.

As a result newly built homes will come with a 10 year warranty. Here at Green Spinnaker we are committed to building high quality homes and are therefore happy to be associated with NHBC. The NHBC have inspected our homes at crucial stages of the build and also given us advice on the materials to use. The 10 year warranty which is included with our properties will provide the following:

  • Cover for the first two years on damage and defects provided by Green Spinnaker
  • Cover for the following eight years provided by the NHBC

This clearly is a lovely benefit to know that will most new built homes you will be covered for 10 years for any damage and defects. And you have to admit 10 years is a long time!

You can find out more about the NHBC and the 10 year warranty on their website.

Stress Free Purchase and Move

As a new build property with no previous owners the purchase and moving process becomes a lot more easy and stress free. With no moving chain you have no need to worry about waiting for previous occupiers to find and move into a new home as well as any delays that can happen with transactions.

Overall with a new build the entire transaction and moving process should be hassle free!

As well as the actual moving process once you have moved in when it comes to a new build you shouldn’t be faced with any major repairs or redecoration for at least the first few years. To ensure that no major repairs will be required we would suggest having a new-build snagging survey conducted. This type of survey is an independent inspection which will look for any issues with the property and will ensure that the developers will fix any faults found before you even move in.

Help to Buy

When purchasing a home there are a number of government funded schemes available to help you purchase your home, the one we are particularly interested in here is the NewBuild scheme.

This scheme lets you buy a newly built home with a deposit of only 5% where they could usually reach up 20%. To apply for this scheme the property you want to buy must apply to the following points:

  • It obviously must be a new-build which is being sold for the first time or for the first time in its current form
  • Costs less than £500,000
  • It will be your main home
  • You will fully own it
  • It has been built by a developer who is involved with this scheme

If these points apply to your new-build home then you will definitely be seeing a great benefit as you can save a significant amount from the deposit.

Secure and Safe

Our final top benefit of purchasing a new build is that you will find that new homes are much safer and more secure than older properties. First of all health and safety features will be included in the plenty such as smoke alarms, fire doors and fire retardant materials.

As well as that most new homes often include security locks, burglar alarms and security lighting as a standard feature.

One of the security features of our latest development Smarts Quarter is secure parking in our courtyard, obviously an important feature with parking in Bristol being very limited at times. As well as this all the properties also have access to a secure bike store.

New Vs Old

Obviously these are just our top 5 advantages to buying a new build; there are many of benefits in addition to these as well. So if you are someone who is currently starting to look or thinking about looking for a house then has this made you think more about new builds? Obviously depending on personal taste you may be looking for a period property or maybe even something that will be a bit of a project and you can work on developing and turning it into your dream home.

But you have to admit there are a number of lovely benefits of buying a new home and this will be the perfect option for many buyers.

If you want to find out more information about our latest new build then contact the team today on 0117 213 0151.