Monthly Archives: February 2015

Bristol the Set for the Stars

TV Show and Movies Filmed in BristolBristol residents (majority of which were teenage girls) gathered outside the Colston Hall last month, all of which attempting to capture a glance of Sherlock stars Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. With a suspected Christmas special in the making, Bristol once again became a set location for the extremely popular TV show.

Even though actually capturing a glimpse of a star of a movie or TV show is rare and difficult it is still exciting to know that this city that we love has been chosen to be the set of some famous TV programmes and films; so we have been looking into what has been filmed in Bristol over the years, who knew so many famous people had filmed here!

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10 Romantic Things you can do with you Loved One in Bristol

Romantic things to do in BristolIts back, Valentine’s Day has come around once again and for those of you who are looking forward to spending it with your loved one, we have been finding out just how romantic a place Bristol can be. It is not up there with Paris, we agree, but we have pulled together 10 of the most romantic things you could be enjoying in Bristol this February 14th with the person you love.

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Bristol the Green Capital

Bristol the Green CapitalAlong with many other people we are proud of the recent announcement that Bristol has won the title of European Green Capital. With all things green being increasingly important all over the world, people will be watching Bristol throughout the year to see what the city has in store, and as the first UK winner of the award there’s no pressure!

At the launch of Bristol as the Green Capital, Tony Juniper who is an ambassador of Bristol 2015 was quoted saying “In 2015, Bristol has the chance to play a leading role on the world stage by showing how it is not only possible but highly desirable to close the ‘green gap’. I am looking forward to Bristol providing the kind of inspiration needed to shape a different future than the one we are presently heading toward.” The concept of the ‘green gap’ is at the forefront of Bristol 2015 which focuses on the difference between our green intentions and our actions, Bristol has the opportunity to make the UK proud and really show what can and should be done to ‘Bridge the Gap’ to a more green and sustainable world.

With this being the case we wanted to look deeper into what green projects Bristol is currently doing or has planned; as well as how Smarts Quarter has added to Bristol’s green name.

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